• September 19, 2024
  • 4:00 PM
  • September 21, 2024
  • St. Petersburg FL


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Allows entry to all Artist Demos at Convention, including the Paint-A-Round. You may add guest(s) to your order at the end and add optional purchases for each guest(s).
  • Allows entry to all Artist Demos at Convention and the Paint-A-Round.
  • Additional ticket type set up to allow for conversion of Live tickets to Replays without generating an additional invoice.
  • Additional ticket type set up to allow for conversion of Live tickets to Replays without generating an additional invoice.


Join us in St. Petersburg, Florida at the Hilton Bayfront, for our 2024 Annual Convention & Trade Show. On September 19th, Thursday evening at 7pm, we kick off the Convention with a demonstration by Stephen Quiller, our judge/juror for the 53rd Annual Exhibition. The Exhibition Reception at 6 pm on September 20th, Friday evening at Creative Pinellas is free of charge.

Order your Live Convention tickets and options on this registration page. At the end of your order, you will be asked whether you have any guests. Add each guest(s) and order options for them. You will pay once for your completed order. Please be aware that the hotel does not allow food purchased elsewhere to be brought into the Convention venue. Please review your order prior to paying to make sure you have all the options you need.

Pre-Register no later than midnight September 1st.  (Walk-ins may register during the Convention*)

Optional Items

(additional fees apply)

Exhibition Review by Stephen Quiller will be held on Friday morning from 9 -11am. Pre-purchased tickets are required to enter ($10 each).  Seating is limited!  No tickets will be available at the door.

Gala Awards Dinner:  Tickets are available for the Gala Awards Dinner on September 21st. Dinner includes a choice of chicken or salmon. No-host cocktails hour between 6 - 7pm; seating opens at 7:00pm. ($85 each) 

Only want to attend the Gala Awards Dinner?  You may alternatively purchase tickets ONLY for the Gala Awards Dinner on Saturday evening for yourself and/or your guest(s). Return to the Convention webpage and choose the "GALA ONLY" registration button for the Gala Awards Dinner tickets only. ($85 each)

Not Attending Convention in Person? You may return to the Convention page and choose the Replays ONLY option to order Convention Replays only. All Convention attendees will also receive access to the Replays (same price as Convention).

*Walk-ins: The registration desk opens Thursday afternoon at 4pm; however, if you wait to purchase your ticket at the Convention, you will pay an additional $10 more per ticket.

Hotel Information: You will need to make your own hotel reservations. Hilton Bayfront St. Petersburg is offering a discounted room rate of $165/night plus tax for all FWS Convention attendees with a two-night stay. [Insert extended stay option] Please be aware these rooms will sell out quickly. You may not be able to get this rate for all nights you request. Hilton Bayfront has set up a booking link for our group. To reserve your room, click the link below. 

Hilton Bayfront - St. Petersburg

© 2022 - 2024 Florida Watercolor Society | All images on this site are the property of their respective owners. | All rights reserved.

Please contact us at info@floridawatercolorsociety.org should you have any questions or if you require assistance.

We will get back to you within 1-2 days or as soon as possible.

Our Social Media Links:

Florida Watercolor Society, Inc.  is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll-free 1-800-help-fla) or from the website: https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Charities Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State of Florida. Registration #CH11285.

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